
北海道大学 学内共同利用施設 / 大学院理学研究院 地球惑星科学部門


公表論文(since 2010)

Authors Year Title Journal Volume Pages Equipment
Takeshita, T., Imayama, T., Ando, M., Kimura, Y. and Python, M. 2023 Pressure–temperature paths of tectonic blocks in mélange: Recording thermal evolution of a subduction channel at an initial stage of subduction Journal of Metamorphic Geology EPMA
Bui, D.V., Takeshita, T., Ando, J., Yamamoto, T., Huang, W., Yeo, T., Czertowics, T.A. 2023 Development of the Median Tectonic Line-related shear zone, southwest Japan: An analysis of strain localization processes Tectonophysics 850 229751 EPMA
Oiwa, K., Kuritani, T., Nakagawa, M. and Yoshimura, S. 2023 Pre-eruption magmatic processes and magma plumbing system at Hachijo-Nishiyama volcano, Izu-Bonin arc, Japan Earth, Planets and Space 75 6 XRF,ICP-MS,